The Art of Persuasion

The Art of Persuasion in a Polarized Age  - The Time Magazine Nov7 / Nov 14, 2022

Four lessons on how to be a better persuader:

By the journalist Anand Giridharadas, the author of "The Persuaders: At the Center of the Fight for Hearts, Minds, and Democracy". Excerpts:

"As the nation fractures politically, so do our households, neighborhoods, and communities"

"What follows are some of the lessons I learned from these gifted citizens about how you and I, working in our own communities, can be better persuaders."

"1-Dig for what’s going on beneath the opinion"

"What also often lurks beneath opinions is pain, stress, confusion, fear, and anxiety, especially in moments of profound change. In every area of American life, dramatic shifts over the last generation" "have left Americans unsure of who they will be and how they will fit on the far side of change."

"2-Focus on the world you want, not what you oppose"

“say what you’re for.” Paint for your relatives and friends and co-workers and neighbors a vivid picture of the community and country you want to see. Make them see it"

"3-Don’t blame the victims of disinformation. Help them"

"This isn’t just a moral issue. It’s a practical one. When we make people who have succumbed to disinformation or cultlike manipulation feel stupid, we can drive them further into the arms of the con, as the cognitive scientist John Cook, who studies disinformation and its remedies, explained to me."

"4-Talk less. Do more"

"What if, as Americans, we need to do more with each other in this moment rather than talk more? Attend meetings together, build things together, administer bodies of water and develop kids’ sports leagues and build community centers together?"