What should we tell the assembled leaders of COP27?

What should we tell the assembled leaders of COP27 who will convene in November 2022 in Egypt?

Excerpts  from The Time Magazine Double Issue Jan 31 / Feb 7, 2022 by BY YUVAL NOAH HARARI

"And when COP27 convenes in November 2022 in Egypt, we should tell the assembled leaders that it is not enough to make vague future pledges about 1.5°C.
"We want them to take out their pens and sign a check for 2% of annual global GDP."

"Now consider tax evasion. The E.U. estimates that money hidden by the wealthy in tax havens is worth more than 10% of global GDP.
Every year, another $1.4 trillion in profits is stashed offshore by corporations, which is equal to 1.6% of global GDP"

"The money is there. Of course, collecting taxes, cutting military budgets, stopping food wastage and slashing subsidies is easier said than done, especially when faced by some of the most powerful lobbies in the world. But it doesn’t require a miracle. It just requires determined organization.

"So we shouldn’t succumb to defeatism. Whenever someone says, “It’s too late! The apocalypse is upon us!,” reply, “Nah, we can stop it with just 2%.”

Harari is the author of Sapiens, Homo Deus and Sapiens: A Graphic History. Data sources for this article can be found on bit.ly/2-percent-more ■"