Should rich countries pay for climate change?

Should rich countries pay for climate damage in poor ones?

That question dominated this year’s big climate summit. The Economist Nov 24th 2022 | Sharm El-Sheikh

End of this article summary:

" Cutting emissions, adapting to a warmer climate, and paying for climate-caused damage are all linked.

"Faster decarbonisation means a lower bill for adaptation, and less spent on rebuilding after disasters."

" But one lesson from cop27 is that the world has not yet worked out how to do all three simultaneously".
As the delegates staggered to their beds, Alok Sharma, a British politician who presided over last year’s talks, hailed the creation of a loss and damage fund. But he regretted that more had not been done: “Emissions peaking before 2025…Not in this text. Clear follow-through on the phase down of coal: not in this text. A clear commitment to phase out all fossil fuels: not in this text.