33% is the Return On Investment (ROI) for rooftop solar

Here is the pleasant surprise that I carefully planned for you:

33% is the TRUSTWORTHY Return On Investment (ROI) in solar rooftop installations.

(Please see my posts of August 24th, 31st and September 7th)

You invested $6,959 in return for $2,300 annually for 30 years (1)

The simple mathematical time value of money, is clearly shown in the compounded interest rate tables.

Annual Payment Present value ratio (A/P) in our case is 0.3305.

A/P for 30 years @ 35% interest is 0.3500

A/P for 30 years @ 30% interest is 0.3001

By linear interpolation:

33% is the ROI for this investment (2)

Payback is in 3 years ($6,959/$2,300)

The best predictable investment ever.

  1. Solar panels typical warranted working life

  2. 33% Return On Investment (ROI) is confirmed as calculated using HP-10B business calculator